Over the last few weeks I’ve been taking stock of how I have viewed myself as an individual. I heard a speaker at a church conference I attended recently say, “A life not examined is not worth living.” There’s great truth in that because if you cannot determine your self worth to yourself, there’s little chance of being much use in this life. The one thing most important to me above what everyone thinks of me is what I think of me. You get into trouble when some other person or situation determines what you think of yourself. I’ve found that whoever defines you can confine you and whoever explains you can contain you. It has helped me tonnes to know that no human being knows me completely. I’m 32 years old this year and that is what most folk know of me. To let someone define me or my future based on just 32 years of evidence, is like trying to predict a soccer match based on the first few minutes of the game. Let me explain this with a quick and simple biology lesson that I have shared with thousands of people over the years. Just before you were conceived you started life as a sperm/seed produced from your biological father. You were not alone, for millions came with you and the greatest race you have ever run to fertilise the egg from your biological mother ensued. It was the race of your life. The fact that you were born means that you out swam millions of other sperm that had hoped to fertilise the egg that fateful day. How amazing is it then, that some smart individual today. decides to label you a failure or a looser or even an average achiever, when the first thing you ever did in your entire life was win the most important race. You’re a natural winner from when no one even knew you existed. You were stronger than them all, you were faster than them all and you are the only one who survived to tell the story. You’re the one that beat them all.
The Bible gives a brief account of Jeremiah whom God spoke to about his origins. This is what God said to him in Jeremiah 1v5;
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
Before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
I’ve known that scripture for a long time but each time I think of it I’m amazed at the fact that there’s more to me than has met the eye in the last 32 years.
Firstly God says to Jeremiah “Before I formed thee in the womb I knew you.” This is proof positive that life did not begin from conception, but that there was an existence you had prior to that. It must also mean that you are related to your parents biologically and not by destiny. Your mother’s womb is not your manufacture room but a transit room. When He says I knew you he means I approved of you and I was not surprised at your existence. For you to determine my destiny you must also know my beginnings. Without that knowledge of my pre-conception life your predictions of my post-conception life are flawed.
Then He says, “Before you were born I set you apart.” That means he was pleased with me and made me specifically for a certain time and place. There is no such thing as an accidental birth or unplanned baby. Even if you were born out of wedlock it does not nullify the specificity of your birth. Even if your conception was through a one-night stand, it was only a means to an end. The sexual intercourse that GOT you here is not as important as the specific mission that BROUGHT you here. In other words it’s not about HOW you came but more about WHY you came.
Then he says, “I appointed you a prophet unto the nations” That means I was pre-packed with purpose and destiny before I was conceived. You cannot give me a life purpose above the original one given me before I came through the womb. So understand this, you are not a result of sexual intercourse but of predetermined purpose. When you take delivery of your new BMW from the dealer you can go home and call it a Mercedes Benz all you want, but that is not going to change what it was when it was made. Today I urge you to not let the evidence of your recent years determine your future. Even if you have failed to succeed in many things since you were born, STAND YOUR GROUND with the knowledge that within you is the DNA of a winner.