One of the things I remember from growing up in Africa was the coming of the rain season. It was always an exciting time because it signified the impending time of beautiful greenery in almost every direction. It was even more exciting because it meant we were in the last quarter of the year and the much-anticipated Christmas holidays would soon be upon us. Whether you lived in the rural area or urban suburbs, you could smell the first rains before they came in. It’s the most amazing smell that makes you aware of the presence of nature itself. If you lived in farmlands it was an earthy kind of a scent that made you just want to dig into the soil and eat it (I know you know what I mean). On the urban tarmac the steam from months of summer heat slowly rose filling the air with a distant burning charcoal-like smell. Wherever you where, once that first light shower touched the earth, you knew that the rains where here and the season had changed.
As they say change is the only constant. As sure at the seasons of the earth change, the seasons of your life will most definitely change. Ecclesiastes 3v1 records the much-quoted scripture, “There’s a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.” Every season we have on earth shows up to accomplishs a specific purpose. One causes plants to blossom and produce fruit; another causes animals to migrate; yet still another will cause trees to shed leaves. Each of these seasons does something for nature that the oncoming season will build upon. So for example, if we decided we liked summer over winter and went on to remove winter altogether from the schedule of seasons, the summer would turn out to be disastrous. This is because the benefit of summer is derived from the successful completion of the winter duration. During winter and the preceding seasons, most plants shed leaves to cut down on the expulsion of the much-needed moisture and to preserve nutrients. The leaves fall to the ground and form mulch. Mulch is like a cover on the ground that preserves the moisture in the soil. The mulch then decomposes into the soil and becomes nutrients that the plant will absorb once the rains come in.
Every season you face in your life is there to accomplish something that the following season will need to progress your life further. Whilst we are powerless to change the seasons, we are most certainly not at the mercy of the seasons. Just like the trees and the animals, they change themselves either in form or location in order to get the best benefit from the current season and the impending one. Some animals will migrate yet others will hibernate. Some plants will shrivel up, and others will shed leaves. The key to deriving the best benefit from your current season is to know which season you are in. Notice it does not say there’s an activity for every season (even though that is true). It says there’s a season for every activity. The lack of knowledge as to which season you are in does not only mean that you loose significant benefit of the very season but in many ways you also put your life in danger both in the present and in the future. Returning to the example of the animals and plants, we see that if ants fail to hibernate during winter, they will die of the cold or starvation, if plants shed leaves during summer, they’ll block water from seeping into the soil and also fail to make food using the sun through the chlorophyll in their leaves. Not knowing what season you are in will cause you to do the wrong thing. You’ll get hooked up with people you shouldn’t, work for companies you’re not supposed to, start a business when you are supposed to be employed or spend money you should be saving. Order precedes progress and order means being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.
Personally I can sense a change of seasons in my life. I’ve been watching the skies and I gotta tell you I can smell the rain. In the next few weeks my first book entitled ‘DREAM BIG AND MAKE IT HAPPEN – 40 REASONS WHY’ goes to print. It’s an exciting time for me but more than that it’s a changing of the season. Like the animals and the plants, I’m changing form and focus of activity so that I get the best out of the new season and the impending one. I want to encourage you to study your seasons, both the current one and the coming one because your very life could depend on it. When you know the season, you’ll know what to do. Remember, although you cannot change or stop the season, you are most certainly not at the mercy of the season. It may be winter, autumn, spring or indeed summer but whatever it is, STAND YOUR GROUND and get the best out of it.
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